the girl i like :)

there this girl i like in school shes pretty cute attractive smart out going and she as the mono and for the past week i been thinking of her every night and  she will be fine tho i looked up some stuff and things  but i made a letter for her to ask her to be my queen i did it right in the 24 of December and i was really tired so i sad why not thats when the truth comes out and i did it with my heart so even better i think  and im just waiting for her to get back to school so i can give her the letter and over the break i bought her a necklace some sort of silver and the day before i  went to school i bought flowers and handed them out to girls i liked  she was on the list and she wasnt there that day i felt really down but a friend told me she had mono and i felt even worst that day that i couldnt look at anyone in the face well i could but it would show  and  so im waiting for her to come to school so i can give her the letter i have saved on my G drive  and the necklace i bought her  do you think i went to far right there with the necklace but the only reason i did that is cuz i really like her  thats the only reason why i bought her it and i thought it would bring out her eyes and i  think she will love it and im wondering what her reaction will be

7 Replies to “the girl i like :)”

  1. i wonder if i post something someone will think that someone has said something on this i wonder from 1 that will make up 2 and so on lol we will see haha

  2. we don’t need no punktuashun, man. heh, just kidding.

    hey mattdavid, it’s great if you really like this girl. yeah, it’s mono, but she’s going to be ok. but listen, it will probably freak her out a little if you give her a gift like that right away, you know? you should get to know her, sit with her at lunch and just talk, you know, just do stuff like that first. girls like to talk, man. i’m an old guy, so I know. 😀

  3. Well, we don’t have to get carried away.. Like with semicolons and shit, just the occasional full stop, you know?
    As far as the girl goes, +1 to what cheech said.

  4. yea i see what you mean man yea like how long should i hold it off if she says yes is the question ? haha yea but i have a class with her and it theater arts with her i know her a little haha so yea what do ya think cheech?haha

  5. yeah, well i’m no expert, man. but yeah, give her the letter, but make sure it’s just your feelings and that’s all, cause that’s all you need to say, just how you feel. if she wants to hang out with you more than that, you will see it on her face, man. good luck. 😀

  6. thanks cheech yea its just my feeling and my past and what i think of her and things like its easy to give a flower to people but asking a girl out is a whole new arear thats i have on the letter thats all haha yea man

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